The Perfect Footing for Equestrian Arena Surfaces

The perfect arena surface considers the Bio Mechanics of a horses step.

A surface too deep and soft has low resistance and absorbs too much energy which means your horse has to work harder to provide propulsion. This will cause an early onset of fatigue.

A surface too hard will absorb little impact energy and so result in large impact concussion resulting in bone and joint problems.

Horses working on a surface that is too hard will adjust their stride and movement to rework their shock to their limbs, whilst horses riding on a surface too soft, adjust their stride and movement to cope with the extra energy required caused by the low impact of the soft surface.

In both cases soundness of performance is compromised.

The perfect way to eliminate an arena with a surface too deep or too hard is to add Equus Premier Fibre.

Whether you are adjusting an existing sand and rubber surface or building an arena from scratch, Equus Premier stabilizing fibre can achieve greater results indoor as well as outdoor when mixed with silica sand & rubber.

Equus Stabilizing Fibre is easy to apply at layer of 2.25kg per meter square. 2 to 3 cm deep, distributed evenly over 1 sq.m of the working surface area, utilizing a tractor mounted power harrow or a rotarvator the fibre can be mixed in with the sand. This only has to be done once and maintenance is reduced. Once this has been done, a grader can be used because of the surface structure.

With the addition of Equus Stabilizing Fibre this will ensure maximum efficiency of the stride and reduce concussion to joints and limbs and is sufficiently resilient enough to give the horse more spring and allow the horse to slide graciously into the loading and unloading phase. Equus improves the structure of the sand to prevent shifting so in turn this makes it a safe footing to jump on.

Equus has advantages in all weather conditions less irrigation required and less dust form. Equus Premier are fibres which act like a sponge and retain water.